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Todas las traducciones - elifdoga

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Resultados 1 - 5 de aproximadamente 5
Idioma de origen
Inglés ınnovation diffusion becomes a cerative process-...
ınnovation diffusion becomes a creative process- in which one important innovation sets the stage for a whole series of subsequent innovations- and not the passive, adaptive process often assumed in much diffusion research.
typo corrected:
cerative---> creative

Traducciones completadas
Turco yenilik yayılımı
Idioma de origen
Esta petición de traducción es "sólo el significado"
Inglés the "product-life-cyle theory," attractive as it...
the "product-life-cyle theory," attractive as it was in its simplicity, was not always corroborated by subsequent research.

Traducciones completadas
Turco ürün yaşam eğrisi teorisi